David Dale Gallery
71 - 73 Brook Street, Bridgeton, G40 2QD
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Responding to a new site-specific installation by Theodoros Stamatogiannis in the David Dale gallery, my work will be produced and installed in relation to the given space and his work.
Artist Statement:
My works address the relationship between force and form. Force and energy make the shape of an object. They are seemingly essential to any form in this world that is subject to gravity. Consequently I am fascinated by architecture because of the technically extreme usage of materials and the aspect of the function/functionless. It is the exploration of the interrelationship between architecture, force, form and space which informs my work and has inspired the evolution of my practice to encompass both two and three dimensions.
Artist Contact:
info-at-daviddalegallery.co.uk [substitute -at- for @]