15 April 2010

Atypical public art = EVERYWHERE!

It's finally HAPPENING!!

Our Atypical Artists are installing public artworks across Glasgow in parks, wastelands, reflecting pools, BBC/Science Centre courtyard, AND MORE!

Check back here for news, images, event updates... there is so much happeing in Glagsow these days it's not possible to keep up.

ALSO--on Monday Natalie Lambert and t s Beall were on Sunny Govan Radio, talking about Atypical Root, our Finale party in Govan on Sunday 2 May, and The Govan Armada...

AND--the mini-SKINNY Magazine, featuring Atypical Root and Radius has landed! Get yours before those 10,000 copies run out....

LAST-be sure to come to our ATYPICAL OPENING PARTY this SUNDAY 18 April 5-8m at David Dale Gallery, featuring work by Theodoros Stamatogiannis and Risa Tsunegi.