16 April - 3 May 2010
Atypical Root is an official event of The Glasgow International Festival
Atypical Root is a curated public art trail along the Clyde riverbank, stretching from Glasgow's East End through the Financial district and City Centre, to the Pacific Quay and Govan.
It presents new public artworks, interventions, and performances while encouraging 'Atypical viewers' to discover alternate routes through Glasgow. The trail links these new public artworks with pre-existing public works and other parts of The GI Festival.
Check out the Atypical Google Map at the top of this website
(you can click/drag/zoom using the arrows)
Visit our roots page for suggested walks
Atypical Root is:
Natalie Lambert 07886 334 894
Jamie Cooper 07792 921 103
website design by orion.rush